2" Crayford Focuser For Orion XT-I and Celestron C10-N Dobs,
With 1.25" Adapter
The #FNM4 2" Two Speed Crayford Focuser For Orion XT-I Dobs fits on your
focuser base if it looks like this picture and has the three sets of focuser
leveling screws, like on the Orion XT Intelliscope and some other XT Dobs.
This is the Crayford focuser and the adapter ring that makes it fit
your XT focuser base. The ring is shown silver for clarity, but the
production rings are black anodized. Click on images to enlarge.
Bottom view of your base with the new Crayford focuser.
The leveling hardware is stainless steel.
#FNC4 comes with the Crayford focuser, adapter ring, leveling hardware,
and 1.25" adapter, and fits on your XT-I focuser base. You remove your
focuser from the base, install the new focuser assembly, and align the
new focuser. A Cheshire and/or laser collimator are required for alignment.
- - - Does not fit the Orion focusers that have a tab
on the base of the focuser and a notch in the base!
- - - #FNCI is the adapter ring and associated hardware only, does not include
- - - the focuser or focuser base. Black anodized aluminum, SS hardware.
- - - You must level and align the new focuser assembly on your scope! - - -
Prices include shipping in the USA!
Ordering Information
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