About Email to ScopeStuff...

We reply to all emails but we are sometimes swamped. We value your
feedback! You can always call us at 512-259-9778.

If your email isn't answered as quickly as you expect, please don't be
alarmed. We either haven't read it yet, or we expect to answer with
better information in the next business day or two.

Orders placed on-line with the shopping cart may be processed more
quickly than emails about the order, so a change of address or other
alteration to the order often will not be seen before the order is shipped.
Please provide the correct shipping address when checking out.

For on-line orders you will receive an order confirmation email from
PayPal, even if you don't have a PayPal account. PayPal is our on-line
credit card processor even if you don't have a PayPal account. PayPal
will not open a PayPal account automatically, nor perform evil deeds.
We don't send an additional order confirmation, we send a shipping
confirmation after the order has shipped.

To ensure that your email makes it to us, please make sure that
the email subject has content. Including the word ScopeStuff in
the subject should work well.

Thanks for your interest! ;=}

These subjects lines will probably result in the email
getting to us:

Subject: ScopeStuff item question
Subject: Re: ScopeStuff order
Subject: Scopestuff order #12345
Subject: Question about scope rings

These are some subject lines that will probably result in
an email ending up in the bit bucket, due to the huge
amount of spam that uses these type subjects:

Subject: (blank subject)
Subject: Re: (blank)
Subject: Fw: (blank)
Subject: Order (blank)
Subject: Order 54321
Subject: My order
Subject: Sales
Subject: Info
Subject: Question
Subject: For Jim
Subject: You won the lottery!
Subject: (text other than English language)
Subject: =?koi8-r?B?7tXWzsHRIMnOxs/SzcHDydEu?=

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